Monday 4 February 2008

Capslockitous - tHE wAR oN tERRIBLE tYPING

Along with the "F12" key, one of the fewest pressed buttons on my rather worn keyboard would have to be "Caps Lock". I do recognise the need to have this button (headings, posters etc.), but for normal everyday use it's not really needed. It has recently come to my attention that there are people out there, and these people are computer literate and very intelligent. They use Caps Lock to get a single capital letter. That means up to this point I would have pressed that button 20 times. WHY. WHY would you do that? Even there I didn't use it. There's a shift key for once off capitals you know. Very sorry for this ramble. Just needed to get it off my chest. And if you suffer from Capslockitous.... shame on you. If you cant get help try here.

After a bit of looking around t'Internet it seems I'm not alone...

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