Monday 28 January 2008

Prolog Text Based Adventure Game

I have uploaded my 3rd Year Knowledge Representation project. It's a text based adventure game designed in amzi prolog. The game is not mainstream and is for learning intentions only. It's a platform for learning a bit of Artifical Intelligence. This will be useful if your doing a project similar to this. You will need to download amzi to run and play the game.

Update: Link is now down, so here's the source code
And if you haven't guessed you need to take out the html br's. Don't know why they keep popping up!

The game and source can be downloaded here.
A walkthrough is also available.

For those people who are expected to be entertained rather than put to sleep, here's a picture I found in my inbox. (I finished my exams last week, so it cracks me up)

1 comment:

Sully said...

Could you not stick this up on Sourceforge or something?

Your blog has proven most useful today, as I've been using the recommended apps to clean out a computer!